Luke 13:3 “I tell you nom but except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.”
Acts 17:30 “And the times of this ignorance God over looked; but now commands all men everywhere to repent.”
Today we gave much praise to our awesome God. There is no one like Him. It is the most amazing and wonderful thing to do….praise our awesome Lord and Savior. We lift His Name high for all to see and know that He is the only true God!
After praise, much of our time was spent repenting for “replacement theology and the traditions of the Church. We also repented for Israel and not believing in the Messiah who came at God’s appointed time. We thanked Him for His alive Word and ended up praising Him once again for His gift of repentance.
You are welcome to join us……just fill out the contact information and we will send you a zoom link. Enjoy His presence! We have the most wonderful people that the Lord has sent us to pray for the salvation of the Jews. And, He has been with us every time we pray…..He is always good…….what an awesome God we serve!