“They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from this time forth even forever.“
Today a miracle of the Lord happened. I signed on for our Room call even though I was feeling very bad…..my eye was swollen almost shut and the pain was really strong. As we started our daily Israel prayer, a couple prayed for me and then told me how to pray over this particular attack. I did and two hours later the swelling was gone and the pain almost entirely lifted. This is our Lord. This is our Healer. In the middle of praying for Israel, He reached down and healed His child. What an awesome God we serve!
We prayed the Word would be “sought out for diligently” by the Jews. We prayed they would be homesick for the Word and would want to know about their heritage through the alive Word of God. We prayed Isaiah 19 over Israel and the surrounding countries. Have Your way for Your glory alone oh God of our salvation. We love to say Your Name…..YHWH, Yeshua, Rauch HaKodesh!
You are welcome to join us……just fill out the contact information and we will send you a zoom link. Enjoy His presence! We have the most wonderful people that the Lord has sent us to pray for the salvation of the Jews. And, He has been with us every time we pray…..He is always good…….what an awesome God we serve!