
Once a Month Prayer at Kedesh

Kedesh Church joins other churches in Kansas City for Once A Month Prayer for “the welfare of our city and the welfare of our country.” On the first Tuesday of each month, Kedesh takes a 24 hour time slot and prays for Olathe and the greater K.C. area. We pray for our city leaders and our state leaders. We lift up all the churches in Kansas City and all the ministries involved in the entire area. We also lift up our state officials, our senators and representatives as well as praying for our nation and all government officials serving us in Washington D.C.


From ICEJ website: “The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem represents Christians around the world who stand with Israel and the Jewish people based on biblical principles and promises. Founded in 1980, the ICEJ recognizes the modern-day restoration of Israel as the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant promises to the Jewish people.”